The Michigan Dept. of Agriculture last year forced Joe and Brenda Golimbieski, the owners of Hill High Dairy and Jenny Samuelson, the owner of My Family Co-op, to dump 248 gallons of organic milk and destroy 100 dozen eggs along with fresh cream, butter and cheese after accusing them of “selling food without a license.”
Their farm is a co-op, however, where people must buy shares to obtain food. The MDA stated that their contracts were invalid so the food wasn’t ‘shared’, but ‘sold’.
Another way to make people less independent. Get in line for another government handout…..if you are a minority.
What a waste with so many people especially children hungry
The hell with the government. Time to take them out!!!
And we have food insecurity in the USA. Hungry people and obesity. Huh?
should have sent them south to the border
so absurd, and EVEN if the Michigan Government was right about this – which I don’t think they are – the food should have been given to food banks rather than destroyed
GOD HELP US .What is goiing happen next. Are they going to start taking our children . ARE YOU GOING STAND UP FOR YOUR FAMIILY.WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!!
More obama bull$#%&!@*.
Another case of the Government sticking their nose where it does not belong! They must have something better to do!