The Michigan Dept. of Agriculture last year forced Joe and Brenda Golimbieski, the owners of Hill High Dairy and Jenny Samuelson, the owner of My Family Co-op, to dump 248 gallons of organic milk and destroy 100 dozen eggs along with fresh cream, butter and cheese after accusing them of “selling food without a license.”
Their farm is a co-op, however, where people must buy shares to obtain food. The MDA stated that their contracts were invalid so the food wasn’t ‘shared’, but ‘sold’.
Our government is completely out of control.
Starving people all around the world……and our government dumps food for this kind of asinine c**p.
government again tring to tell us what we can and can’t do.
Time to break stuff of theirs.
That’s a case
All of Govt., needs to be changed out, and down sized by 75%.
this just pisses me off at least they should have let them donate it to shelters or food banks but to waste it in such a way is STUPID
This $#%&!@* needs to stop. Its all about money and power. That food is safer than any factory farm.
what a horrible waste
This does to phase this POTUS or admin. They love to destroy