The Michigan Dept. of Agriculture last year forced Joe and Brenda Golimbieski, the owners of Hill High Dairy and Jenny Samuelson, the owner of My Family Co-op, to dump 248 gallons of organic milk and destroy 100 dozen eggs along with fresh cream, butter and cheese after accusing them of “selling food without a license.”
Their farm is a co-op, however, where people must buy shares to obtain food. The MDA stated that their contracts were invalid so the food wasn’t ‘shared’, but ‘sold’.
Had someone put a double barreled shotgun in their faces (that’s what Biden said to use, right) and told them to $#%&!@* off, they’d probably still have their $#%&!@*.
I’m tired of being called a “radical”. If standing up for yourself is a “radical” act, just call me “bin Laden”, because a real American wouldn’t allow this. It’s time for people to nut up and show the government who is really in control. It wasn’t England and it won’t be this government, or any.
“The people, united, can never be defeated!”
Dumbass wasteful ass hole
Hey Government
Such waste is shameful.
No Common sense at all, people starving and struggling and they waste food because of a piece of paper, everything is about money to the damn gov.
Growing up My uncle owned a dairy farm, One year I remember him having to dump 1000+ gallons of milk due to our wonderful government. Something to do with the price of milk. We dug a huge hole in his field and had a FULL size tanker fill it full of milk. This country sucks sometimes.
with all the people starving around the world and in America, this is so wrong
Too much government.