Maryanne Godboldo stopped giving her child anti-psychotics because she stated that it made her child’s condition worse. Godboldo’s attorney stated that it made her “horribly ill, aggressive and violent.”
Michigan Child Protective Services didn’t let a thing like adverse reaction to anti-psychotics hinder their insistance that the mother continue to give her daughter the drug that was harming her, they sent in a SWAT team in an armored vehicle to seize the girl from her mother.
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Judge should be disbarred & removed from position, all C.P.S. team members that were involved in this case should be fired, and all law enforcement/S.W.A.T. members that had anything to do with the case should also be fired!
They could make all the laws they want, but if they are not obeyed they are worthless. Stop being such wimps people they cant put you in jail because there won’t be anyone around to pay the taxes use your heads.
Vote in some more liberals to take away more of your rights because they can run your life better than you can. We have a voting public that is just plain stupid.
If she were Free , she could raise her child as she wished , if someone can take your child from you , you are not free , the moment you registered your child for a birth certificate , you willfully submitted power over your child to the state and government
The govt. taking the parents job away again.
It’s going to get worse
Bet I know how she voted!! This is communism folks and it is coming to your city too.
It’s looking like April 1861 round here!
Since when did we go from providing medical treatment to imposing it?
God bless her and her daughter and I hope she gets a large settlement !!!