Maryanne Godboldo stopped giving her child anti-psychotics because she stated that it made her child’s condition worse. Godboldo’s attorney stated that it made her “horribly ill, aggressive and violent.”
Michigan Child Protective Services didn’t let a thing like adverse reaction to anti-psychotics hinder their insistance that the mother continue to give her daughter the drug that was harming her, they sent in a SWAT team in an armored vehicle to seize the girl from her mother.
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The mother is not a doctor is my guess. She is not an expert on what the child needs for her mental health and condition. It also takes time for the right dosage and medication to be found and for it to take effect as well. Shame on mom that she has not educated herself to know this.
Some people are just not happy unless they are truly destroying someones life
If you are tired of this Vote Republican.
this is outrageous…how is her daughter now…?..
She is back with her mother. I have been following this story, and this mother has stood her ground. I just hope she did not vote for Obama because she will find out who really has her back.
Since Obama it’s gone.
Looks like the Police need to be put on Anti Psychotic drugs.
Oh my gosh,leave her alone and let her parent her child!
No longer do the people rule. Government has taken over.
they need their guinea pigs