Maryanne Godboldo stopped giving her child anti-psychotics because she stated that it made her child’s condition worse. Godboldo’s attorney stated that it made her “horribly ill, aggressive and violent.”
Michigan Child Protective Services didn’t let a thing like adverse reaction to anti-psychotics hinder their insistance that the mother continue to give her daughter the drug that was harming her, they sent in a SWAT team in an armored vehicle to seize the girl from her mother.
Click the link below to learn more:
Wow, just like Elian Gonzolaz. 40 years ago, I was told by one school principle that between the hours of 8 am and 3 p.m. “these kids belong to me, and I’ll make the decisions concerning them”. As they put my daughter on ritalin….which I took her off of, after a month, against their “better judgement”. (Fortunately, we had out own psychologist, who backed ME. That probably would not be the case now.)
The parents should always have the final decision on their children’s health issues. Providing they are of sound mind. And that bar should be set high.
guy robs bank with wife working there . Has f**e large mustache and drivews away in vintage car. Never remembered anything, Man klls his dfamily. Both cases judge said not guilty SSRIs 90% flouride
When this Country has had enough,then something will be done
READ “Toxic Psychiatry”. It explains how the Meds are NOT properly proven out before they hit the Marketplace. Dr. Peter Breggin is the Author. DON’T PUT YOUR KIDS ON RITALIN!!
When will enough be enough?
Keep the government out of our lives and just maybe we can get AMERICA back on track. Navy retired.
Get a lawyer and move away !
Your freedoms are gone if you live in a police state compliments of Barack Obama !