Maryanne Godboldo stopped giving her child anti-psychotics because she stated that it made her child’s condition worse. Godboldo’s attorney stated that it made her “horribly ill, aggressive and violent.”
Michigan Child Protective Services didn’t let a thing like adverse reaction to anti-psychotics hinder their insistance that the mother continue to give her daughter the drug that was harming her, they sent in a SWAT team in an armored vehicle to seize the girl from her mother.
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DCal2722 says:
“This Lady is actually what I consider to be “Heroic”. This Mom loves her Daughter enough to risk ALL to do what she KNEW was the right thing for HER CHILD. I would have loved to see the look on the faces of the cops that were stopped cold by a Momma who was done with CPS Nazi tactics and the Power Mad Police who get off beating or shooting people who are literally NO THREAT to anyone. It really is simply a matter of a group who have absolutely no concern for accountability when they execute Civilians in plain sight many times while being video recorded and yet there is no real response by the States Atty. to seek JUSTICE, the solution I suppose is someone like Ms. Godboldo. I think she may have a future in Politics as a Maverick standing for that old time value called “Justice”.”
This Lady is actually what I consider to be “Heroic”. This Mom loves her Daughter enough to risk ALL to do what she KNEW was the right thing for HER CHILD. I would have loved to see the look on the faces of the cops that were stopped cold by a Momma who was done with CPS Nazi tactics and the Power Mad Police who get off beating or shooting people who are literally NO THREAT to anyone. It really is simply a matter of a group who have absolutely no concern for accountability when they execute Civilians in plain sight many times while being video recorded and yet there is no real response by the States Atty. to seek JUSTICE, the solution I suppose is someone like Ms. Godboldo. I think she may have a future in Politics as a Maverick standing for that old time value called “Justice”.
Morally Bankrupt Child Protection.
I would have done the same!!! GOD definitely was with this lady all the way!!!
If true there are way too many of these so called judges and lawyers that are busy bodies and should be removed period from life the way the constitution says to remove a person committing treason and terrorism
Look America, we have allowed the gov. to take over every portion of our lives by doing nothing. Parents have no rights, children have no rights..the gov. is the last word in what is right. Remember this situation when you vote this time. We were stupid once, then twice and look at us now. Marshall Law and absolute censorship is on the line this time.
swat isn’t that a bit extreme???
Liberal activist judges in our judicial system need to be replaced and barred.
yea,u readit right Detroit,the libturd armpit of America.
Misuse of SWAT…again…THIS is why we have deaths on the rise in police work. MISUSE of their officers…. They were NEVER sent on something this mundane before…now…it’s way too much and people are going to die. This is an ADMINISTRATIVE abuse…not equipment…not officers…it’s procedural and Administrative…