The only difference between what is happening here and in Middle East and Western Europe is that the liberal population in America has chosen to turn a blind eye to the more violent characteristics of those who practice the religion of Islam – making it difficult to handle the radical elements of the religion.
Now, the first Muslim-majority city council in the history of the United States has been elected. Of course, it happened in a city where Muslims hold a majority of the population: Hamtramck, MI.
How long will it take them to enforce Sharia law in that city?
Read more about this vote on the next page.
They are some kind of stupid!!!!!
The state should be cut off from america!!
How do you people walk on this planet without a brain?
Yup and watch the women start disappearing in that neighborhood…and their children killed cuz they r not muslim….
Stupid people
Bill Burke just needs someone to blame, but Bible thumpers are the exact people he will want to see when these Muslims take over.
Wait…….isn’t this rasict?
WTF is going on?????
They r takin over one city at a time
they will be sorry very very sorry.