Michelle Obama recent statements make one think that she hates men. That in and of itself isn’t too alarming, I guess. Some would call it self-loathing.
Except she made her controversial remarks at the opening weekend for the Obama Foundation. That is something that should be on your radar. You can think of the Obama Foundation as possessing the corruption of the Clinton Foundation with the reach and effectiveness of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation.
They are all pushing the same goal – to destroy American society as we know it today. Michelle Obama’s role is to destroy traditional family units and attack healthy masculinity.
Head on over to the next page to hear Michelle Obama share what she thinks will fix the epidemic of boys growing up in fatherless homes and “toxic masculinity” overall. Video also available!
Well said!
Since mooch is a man I guess he should know!
i guess it is speaking for it’s sef
go away michael
A black man calling other men out ? really!!
you michael are a babbling idiot
Entitled and self righteous???…..that’s HER!
Blah, blah, blahhhhh
Sounds like she is taking about Barry. Hum, wonder what he did?
why does anyone even bother to listen to what this aishead has to say?