Michelle Obama recent statements make one think that she hates men. That in and of itself isn’t too alarming, I guess. Some would call it self-loathing.
Except she made her controversial remarks at the opening weekend for the Obama Foundation. That is something that should be on your radar. You can think of the Obama Foundation as possessing the corruption of the Clinton Foundation with the reach and effectiveness of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation.
They are all pushing the same goal – to destroy American society as we know it today. Michelle Obama’s role is to destroy traditional family units and attack healthy masculinity.
Head on over to the next page to hear Michelle Obama share what she thinks will fix the epidemic of boys growing up in fatherless homes and “toxic masculinity” overall. Video also available!
Kind of late for penis envy Mike. Maybe you should have stayed a man!
HE has it all wrong
BOB ZAHN are you trying to figure out how Hillary lost the election????
Was it the Russian Uranium Deal?
Was it Wikileaks?
Was it Podesta?
Was it Comey?
Was it having a sexual predator as a husband?
Was it Huma Abedin’s sexual predator husband Anthony Weiner?
Was it because the Clinton Foundation ripped off Haiti?
Was it subpoena violations?
Was it the congressional testimony lies?
Was it the corrupt Clinton Foundation?
Was it the Benghazi butchering?
Was it pay for play?
Was it being recorded laughing because she got a child rapist off when she was an attorney?
Was it the Travel Gate scandal?
Was it the Whitewater scandal?
Was it the Cattle Gate scandal?
Was it the Trooper Gate scandal?
Was it the the $15 million for Chelsea’s apartment bought with foundation money?
Or her husband’s interference with Loretta Lynch & the investigation?
Or having debate questions stolen & given to her?
Or her own secret server in her house?
Or deleting 30,000 emails?
Or having cell phones destroyed with hammers?
Was it the Seth Rich murder?
Was it the Vince Foster murder?
Was it the Gennifer Flowers assault & settlement?
Was it the $800,000 Paula Jones settlement?
Was it calling half the United States deplorable?
Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders?
Was it Bill’s impeachment?
Was it the lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia?
Was it the $10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich?
Or the $6 BILLION she “lost” when in charge of the State Dept.?
Or because she is a hateful, lying, power hungry, overly ambitious, greedy, nasty person?
Gee I just can’t seem to put my finger on it…
BOB ZAHN are you trying to figure out how Hillary lost the election????
Was it the Russian Uranium Deal?
Was it Wikileaks?
Was it Podesta?
Was it Comey?
Was it having a sexual predator as a husband?
Was it Huma Abedin’s sexual predator husband Anthony Weiner?
Was it because the Clinton Foundation ripped off Haiti?
Was it subpoena violations?
Was it the congressional testimony lies?
Was it the corrupt Clinton Foundation?
Was it the Benghazi butchering?
Was it pay for play?
Was it being recorded laughing because she got a child rapist off when she was an attorney?
Was it the Travel Gate scandal?
Was it the Whitewater scandal?
Was it the Cattle Gate scandal?
Was it the Trooper Gate scandal?
Was it the the $15 million for Chelsea’s apartment bought with foundation money?
Or her husband’s interference with Loretta Lynch & the investigation?
Or having debate questions stolen & given to her?
Or her own secret server in her house?
Or deleting 30,000 emails?
Or having cell phones destroyed with hammers?
Was it the Seth Rich murder?
Was it the Vince Foster murder?
Was it the Gennifer Flowers assault & settlement?
Was it the $800,000 Paula Jones settlement?
Was it calling half the United States deplorable?
Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders?
Was it Bill’s impeachment?
Was it the lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia?
Was it the $10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich?
Or the $6 BILLION she “lost” when in charge of the State Dept.?
Or because she is a hateful, lying, power hungry, overly ambitious, greedy, nasty person?
Gee I just can’t seem to put my finger on it…
Am I the Only Person Embarrassed By
This “Woman” ? ?
He knows!!
Reutov Zack
Hillary no charges or indictments cleared by 2 times
Trump is under FBI investigation and appointed special prosecutor and he’s going to be impeached soon
Sick of her
You tell em Mike
Blah blah blabbering blah blah blah blabbering blabbering blah blah blabbering blah! You suck !