The nation is experiencing Barack Obama fatigue, and we are tired of his self-righteous lectures to people who might want to own a gun, to attend church, or who think that businesses actually were created by entrepreneurs risking their own capital, not by government bureaucrats who actually spend most of their time devising ways to stop business development. Yes, they did build that!
But equally tiresome is wife Michelle Obama, who has vacationed the world over on the taxpayers dime, but who is still whining almost daily about white people and how hard it is to be black and discriminated against. When husband Barack was nominated to be president the first time around she stated that for the first time in her life she was proud to be an American.
It has gone downhill from there.
She is simply an entitled racist who will never be happy until white people are put in their place. She is, in short, one low-class black bigot.
Michelle whining to college graduates, page 2:
So feel free to vacate the premises.
How FRICKEN stupid can one be. The white house was completely gutted and rebuilt by union workers in the 20th century. More “B******T” from the $#%&!@*LEFT”.
Verifiable Fact: A REPUBLICAN President and hundreds of thousands of white men ended slavery in the 1860’s. KKK that murdered blacks were the same plantation and slave owners that lost the civil war(Democrates). The same DEMOCRATIC PARTY that the Obamas and Clintons belong to today!
It’s simple you don’t have to wake up in the house that was built by slaves back your stuff and get out and go stay in a hotel till your husband is out of office
They were paid slaves and they were just a fraction of the people building shut up Michael lavaughn obama
This country is gone, over, kaput! United we stand, Divided we Fall, hear and her ole man could have done more to unite the country instead of divide the country as he has admitted he has done. A Heinz 57 variety of mongrels at each other’s throat. The constitution that made this country under attack as the Anglo constitution that does not fit the times or work for all the different racial and ethnic groups. The country is disintegrating the change we can believe in is the change that will destroy us. Thanks Obama, Saul Alinsky taught you well…
Possibly slaves and indentured White people so what the hell is the difference…..except she is whipping a dead horse. Who cares… least they are Americans (maybe anyhow…although this piece of pond scum isn’t no matter where it hatched out) and that puts them miles ahead of blacks in other countries or the black slaves the Muslims capture at the present time.
Don’t like live on the street maybe that will work for you.
Get the hell out!!!
Except that Eisenhower had it torn down and rebuilt…PLUS you idiot, it was built by more Irish than any other race….I know facts mean nothing to your ilk though.