The nation is experiencing Barack Obama fatigue, and we are tired of his self-righteous lectures to people who might want to own a gun, to attend church, or who think that businesses actually were created by entrepreneurs risking their own capital, not by government bureaucrats who actually spend most of their time devising ways to stop business development. Yes, they did build that!
But equally tiresome is wife Michelle Obama, who has vacationed the world over on the taxpayers dime, but who is still whining almost daily about white people and how hard it is to be black and discriminated against. When husband Barack was nominated to be president the first time around she stated that for the first time in her life she was proud to be an American.
It has gone downhill from there.
She is simply an entitled racist who will never be happy until white people are put in their place. She is, in short, one low-class black bigot.
Michelle whining to college graduates, page 2:
counting the hours
Move Out Leave Now Why Wait Just leave
Nope, that one burned down, read your history bitch
Ungrateful scum,if that’s your case get the f out of the house.
Never seen anything like this in my life, Roots is on 4 channels, new slave movie coming out, speeches about slavery, how much harder can you push this to divide America government media? you pay people to start riots at protest and then condemn it like you didn’t send them? you never speak of inner city violence, pissing away trillions in military spending for nothing, nothing gets passed and one side blames Obama and the other congress, both sides need to see through this and wake up, the United States government and media are corrupt as hell
Then pack your$#%&!@*and get the$#%&!@*out!
But slave labor was used at least partially in the construction of the White House. She didn’t say anything that was untrue.
There’s a door, use it and don’t let it hit you on the way out.
This one has not completed the evolve process yet, but very close.
Out of a mouth exposes the person..Rascist the American public put the biggest sham in the White ansd are wanting it again in Killery..