The nation is experiencing Barack Obama fatigue, and we are tired of his self-righteous lectures to people who might want to own a gun, to attend church, or who think that businesses actually were created by entrepreneurs risking their own capital, not by government bureaucrats who actually spend most of their time devising ways to stop business development. Yes, they did build that!
But equally tiresome is wife Michelle Obama, who has vacationed the world over on the taxpayers dime, but who is still whining almost daily about white people and how hard it is to be black and discriminated against. When husband Barack was nominated to be president the first time around she stated that for the first time in her life she was proud to be an American.
It has gone downhill from there.
She is simply an entitled racist who will never be happy until white people are put in their place. She is, in short, one low-class black bigot.
Michelle whining to college graduates, page 2:
This is a extreme exaggeration. The foundation and original residence were built by free black men and slaves working together. The part behind the four columns in front. The rest was built at different times using primarily Irish craftsmen paying off their servitude agreement for transportation to America which is by definition slavery. Less than 20% was built using slave labor and it’s assumed the free blacks owned the slaves or were their bosses for someone else.
You only wish they were your slaves.
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Racist hypocrites in the White house
In less than 8 months President Trump will walk into the White House and tell our current POS POTUS, “You’re Fired!” Remember, a Vote for Trump 2016 is a Vote for Crooked Killary for Prison 2017. Wonder if she’ll prefer an Orange pants suit or Black and White stripes?
It’s so unfortunate that your bitchass gets to live in that house.
We live in a country being ruined by a racist idiot mussie kenyan and his ape face$#%&!@*who sticks her nose, or its nose into matters it has no knowledge of, so there you go
But you love the prestige don’t you??!
Sorry moochelle, your race card has been maxed out.
i am so sick of this guy bitching all the time.