Michelle Obama has been dubbed by many to be one of the most influential women to grace the public eye. Young liberals have even gone as far idolizing her by placing her on a pedestal that she clearly doesn’t deserve. If you look back on the past eight years and try to find something good she’s done, the list is short. Her time in the White House is painted with more failures than successes. And let’s not forget about her part in seemingly endless race war that’s taking place in the United States. She’s not only fueled it, but she’s been at the forefront of it many of her speeches and interviews. Her only qualification for being “inspiring” is the color of her skin and the fact that she’s the first lady, which again, is race-related.
With the Obama’s time in office coming to a close, both President Obama and his wife have been giving their farewell speeches. It’s sad that even after the election has come to a close and Donald Trump is clearly America’s choice, the Obamas are still throwing potshots at the president-elect. During her speech, Michelle Obama was quick to fuel the irrational fears of many by trying to make herself look inspiring. She’s calls out immigrants and muslims in particular. She then says some things, which typical Obama fashion, contradicts things she’s said in the past.
Watch her speech on the next page.
She’s done nothing her or obomer not any good that is
If you are an illegal this Country owes you nothing. Go through the legal process or get out.
Kinda explains so much.
The 0banas despise the USA.
They despise the demographics of the USA. They want it to be less white, less Christian, less patriotic. Etc.
Seriously. That wording by her explains the truth that the 0bamas want a open border country where the status quo is secondary to the desire to change the USA into a multi cultural basket case.
Not her country to give away!
Edmay Tasse
Judith A. Veach.
The comments here display the true scandal and corruption behind 0bamas supposed fair caring compassion for immigrants.
He is a fraud.
He wanted illegals to establish a cause and then a voting base to ensure democratic victories. He wanted low income earners to bolster his failing economic jobs charade. He wanted Muslims to establish another non assimilating group to cause further division among Americans.
All this while 0bama deported more illegal Latin American immigrants than any other president ( but fit show he let them keep coming back in – to build the numbers. And he made it more difficult for potential immigrants to come here legally from places that would bring in people who would assimilate.
0bama is a fraud.
lol !! look at the smiling ones ready to follow.. !!!!! lead one..
She’s just plain stupid to say something like that.
No Michael, it does not. This country belongs to AMERICANS. Just like Russia belongs to Russians, France belongs to the French, is any of the logic getting through that male head of yours?
Not anymore