Assemblywoman Michele Fiore handled the MSNBC host in this video interview like a champ!
While people gathered at Cliven Bundy’s ranch in protest of the BLM’s handling of affairs there, the protesters were joined by Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore. This prompted MSNBC host Hayes to interview her, and the Scoop captures the video for us.Let’s just say that Fiore wasn’t about to have the conversation steered to any Left side talking points.
Source: RedFlagNews
Sorry but you allready did. Now deal with the real problem, Harry.
Take a bigger look where or what are they grazing? Don’t see fields of grass there.
Where is the video
She just bitch slapped him
Chris who? Just got bitch slapped. Typical msnbc.
msnbc is a pro Democratic and racist news show and I take my hat off to this young lady for sanding up to a bull$#%&!@* news caster and speaking the truth about fees owed and not what the Obama Administration wants to portray making them a million dollars instead of a couple hundred thousand. Harry Reid is behind all this and it sucks
I love this woman!!!
Go Michele!!!!!!!!!
She has more balls than the Governor and sheriff