Assemblywoman Michele Fiore handled the MSNBC host in this video interview like a champ!
While people gathered at Cliven Bundy’s ranch in protest of the BLM’s handling of affairs there, the protesters were joined by Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore. This prompted MSNBC host Hayes to interview her, and the Scoop captures the video for us.Let’s just say that Fiore wasn’t about to have the conversation steered to any Left side talking points.
Source: RedFlagNews
Michele really put Chris from LSDBC under the bus, way to go. Sorry your name is Michele.
she did a great job in the interview
Chris Haynes is a $#%&!@*
who watches msnbc anyway …????
Does anyone remember the kid in school who had absolutely nothing noticeable going for him. So he tried to look brainy, except he wasn’t smart either. That is who Chris reminds me of.
I love the way she didnt back down! YEAH!
I can’t pull up the video!
“A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.” George Washington
Right on Michele you put him in his place.