Assemblywoman Michele Fiore handled the MSNBC host in this video interview like a champ!
While people gathered at Cliven Bundy’s ranch in protest of the BLM’s handling of affairs there, the protesters were joined by Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore. This prompted MSNBC host Hayes to interview her, and the Scoop captures the video for us.Let’s just say that Fiore wasn’t about to have the conversation steered to any Left side talking points.
Source: RedFlagNews
Stalin would be proud of MSNBC people. Much of what they preach is Marxism
he even looks like a penis
This man is a complete F..kin idiot….ppl like him is part of the problem in this nation…
Chris Hayes is an smart $#%&!@*. He needs his mouth washed out with soap.
Chris is an out-of-touch media elitist that lives in a vacuum of selective information and takes it as gospel. he needs to grow up and wake up and come out to Nevada and get his hands dirty. that boy wasn’t spanked enough as a youngster
People on MSNBC. act crazy!!
“Sic em Michele” so proud of you!
he is like every other Liberal i have talked too. You can show the truth right to there face and they don’t believe it. They are blinded for what ever reason. There will come a time when conservatives will see that talking to these people is not an option anymore!!!
Love how Michele did not take any more $#%&!@* from him
sorry I watched that clip the assembly woman came off like she was an ignorant fool