During the Bush administration, it was almost impossible to tune into the news on TV or radio and not hear about the latest bromide the leftist director had hurled at George W. Bush and the Republican Party. In fact, he made an entire movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, wherein he obsessively scrutinized the actions of the president in order to prove that he was incompetent at best and wicked at worst.
When Barack Obama became president, Moore’s profile started to recede as the GOP was out of power and the media no longer had any need for his services. This remained the case until November, when Donald Trump was elected president and the Bowling for Columbine director dutifully returned to his duties as the disloyal opposition.
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Who the hell is Michael Moore to threaten anything? He’s not part of our government? He’s deranged, delusional, and disgusting. Please stop paying attention to his idiocy, it’s meaningless and unimportant!
We The People promise Moore exile for treason
Any one notice just how much him and Rosie O look alike, I wonder if they came from the same egg, or in their case under the same rock.
Deport this pig
Moore is a joke
There will be no impeachment. Trump did not break any laws. Even if he did colure with Russia, it is NOT against the law. DUMBASS……
Such a pitiful man.
He needs to follow Rosy !!!
A big fat pedophile preaching socialism? What a surprise.
Mike, heart attack please, waiting…….