During the Bush administration, it was almost impossible to tune into the news on TV or radio and not hear about the latest bromide the leftist director had hurled at George W. Bush and the Republican Party. In fact, he made an entire movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, wherein he obsessively scrutinized the actions of the president in order to prove that he was incompetent at best and wicked at worst.
When Barack Obama became president, Moore’s profile started to recede as the GOP was out of power and the media no longer had any need for his services. This remained the case until November, when Donald Trump was elected president and the Bowling for Columbine director dutifully returned to his duties as the disloyal opposition.
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Who keeps giving this moron licence to waste our time?
Himself is NOT what he’s full of.
That fat$#%&!@*is nothing but a sore liberal crybaby with no future
Someone should tell Michael Moore that he doesn’t get to decide whether or not Trump resigns and he certainly can’t impeach him!
he’s got too many fat cells in the brain
This wart hog….damn only knows how to wallow in the pig sty…..
Moore Your even stupider than you look , you must have flunked government class in high school ..
Another uneducated piece of c**p not knowing his butt from belly button.. Moore your and embarrassment. So tired of the so called celebrities that think their opinions matter
What happened to his 5 point plan to destroy Trump? Or was that his 10 point plan? Wait! Wasn’t that his Broadway play? Or maybe his new movie will work this time.
Michael Moore is just a giant gelatinous mass of irrelevance, with more chins than a Chinese phone book.
Perhaps a good strong laxative would aid greatly in SIGNIFICANT weight loss.
Keep a plumber on speed dial.
Go back to your HOG PEN !