During the Bush administration, it was almost impossible to tune into the news on TV or radio and not hear about the latest bromide the leftist director had hurled at George W. Bush and the Republican Party. In fact, he made an entire movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, wherein he obsessively scrutinized the actions of the president in order to prove that he was incompetent at best and wicked at worst.
When Barack Obama became president, Moore’s profile started to recede as the GOP was out of power and the media no longer had any need for his services. This remained the case until November, when Donald Trump was elected president and the Bowling for Columbine director dutifully returned to his duties as the disloyal opposition.
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I cant wait to watch whatever his next film is crash and burn asa result of his insanity. Its going to be great. haha
Does this guy realize wht he looks like, Whew ugly inside and out, honestly a real LOSER.
Who is this guy again? Who put him in charge?
So tired of the so called celebrities that think their opinions matter
Shut up Michael
You are nothing, your a piece of s t that is nothing but a little cry baby who thinks what you say means something, you are nothing
Ya right Jaba
How come all democrats are mentally deranged
A FAT Anti-America POS!!!