One of the most enjoyable parts of this post-election season has been watching leftists make utter fools of themselves. It’s obvious that they despise the policies espoused by Mr. Trump as well as most all of the policies supported by those on the right. Fine, we get that — that’s to be expected. However, we should at least expect their arguments to be well thought-out, however wrong-headed we may believe them to be.
Instead, we have people on the left like Michael Moore who have just come unhinged over all of this. It would be one thing if he put forward his arguments against Republican policies in a coherent manner. But the guy has been reduced to just rambling — making assertions that don’t even make sense.
Not only that, he wants to start a movement to disrupt Mr. Trump’s inauguration, as if that’s going to accomplishing anything other than get some people arrested.
For an entertaining view of the rantings of a stalwart member of the “loony-left,” check out page two.
You are as bad a loser as the team hat you are wearing..
Donald Trump has every right, and for all the right reasons, to enter the white house, clean it, renovate it, and bring it back to its correct purpose. You, Mr. Moore, have every reason to stop torturing your organs. You are in no condition to lead a revolution. Stop talking, start walking.
He’s wearing the right hat…
Put him in jail for inciting violence.
What don’t you go eat something. You are so thin. Maybe it would feed your brain so you wouldn’t such a moron.
you need to go with whoopie both are dumb$#%&!@*s
Lol. I would like nothing better than to have a Libtard challenge me while walking down the street.
this guy is a moron…….always has been, always will be…… he needs to get a haircut and take off the ball cap, open up his brain area a little, and stop being a sore loser………
Moore, He has a right and left foots so he can enter any time he wants..You even with thousand feets can do it.
Would someone PLEASE shoot this MFer?