Contradicting the Pope? Oh Heavens!
Writing for the Spanish-language El Nuevo Herald, Father Cutié–a former television and radio host, who left the Catholic priesthood in 2009, presented questions to the Pope. Cutie’s critical inquiries about the pontiff’s visit to Cuba, in which he made only passing mentions to the rampant political oppression on the island, follow on the next page:
rev 13
You have been brain washed. If you like communism so much, you should move to a communist country and stay there.
Not standing for all the things he is supose to. Obama and the Pope have a deal going. The Lord sees everything and knows everyting and I praying the Lord expose the real truth for everyone to see.
Get out!
Because you can’t fix stupid!!!
Capitalism has made our country great…….i am proud of the United States of America, I would not want to live elsewhere. I do wish, we would go back to being the great country we were……..and we do need to follow the Constitution. Liberalism is turning us into a socialist country which will end like Greece, Italy, and most European countries…….all are the reason we left there and declared our independence in 1776!!!!!! The reason for the season!!!!!!
Started our business in the US with 5 bucks and a dream.No education.It worked out GREAT.Freedom allows doers to do.It doesnt work out so well for those who just want to be LEACHES
Don’t worry marti Iam yoir the ones whos bin brainwashed to think communism is bad the worx communism only stands for countries who wont bend over and get fuxked by the U.S and Elizabeth in a communist country u can set up ur business from home wit out permits or licenses like u do here in the u.s also they won’t leach on u and take all your money thru high property taxes and all the other legalities that come with it u call this freedom over here please it’s a rats race that u will never win ppl in communist countries can stand up n make a change here u have a puppet president who sells you the “American dream” all while keeping the elite bankers in power you fools are blinded sheep!!!
Nelson, your bitter ignorance is unacceptable. I was a divorced woman with a high school education, and two small children. I supported myself, and am now retired. I made it in America and I believe in this country. If you do not like it here please go live in Iraq, or Iran for you contribute nothing here!