A MI6 spy was found dead and stuffed inside a dufflebag in his bathtub in London in September of 2010…and the story just keeps getting more interesting.
Metropolitan Police said that the death of 31-year-old Gareth Williams was “probably an accident.” So he ‘accidentally’ stuffed himself inside a sealed dufflebag?
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And the total ofvsuspicious keeps rising . around the Clinton machine .
And to think she against you having guns .Not her you .STRONGER TOGETHER.STRONGER LIES THAT IS .
Another one clintons accomplishments
The Clinton Body count just keeps going up & up.When will the” Brains That Be” figure out that a certain family is having these people killed. One clue C L I N T O N !!
Hillary had it done,what do you think happen to the others that died before this one. Starting WITH THE GUY IN THE PARK.ALL WERE GETTING TO CLOSEFOR HER CONFORT.
Add this to Hillarys kill list
Nah… Really more dead people and the CLINTON connection…this time..spys.. ???