A MI6 spy was found dead and stuffed inside a dufflebag in his bathtub in London in September of 2010…and the story just keeps getting more interesting.
Metropolitan Police said that the death of 31-year-old Gareth Williams was “probably an accident.” So he ‘accidentally’ stuffed himself inside a sealed dufflebag?
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Another one of the victims being killed for trying to do the right thing tell on hillary
Another death connected to the clintons
Hilary did it
Their evil reaching all the way to MI6 is very distressing. Hopefully, they will soon be stopped.
That’l learn him.
Sounds like suicide to me…
And the death rate for slaming killary just keep mounting
send the clinton and the obumos to the middle east after taking there money and let them go there with nothing and be controled and see them get there stupid$#%&!@*out of there