A summit combining two of Obama’s favorite themes is coming to Mexico City: Global Control via the U.N and a universal control on guns. Obama’s sent down his representatives to ensure he does his part to forward the globalist agenda.
Certainly all drug cartels in Mexico are frightened …not.
More on the NEXT PAGE:
Reason we need a real man in the office of POTUS. Not a gay boy and his gay pride parade of wussies.
Oboma’s Impeachment Pe$#%&!@*ion
Create a pe$#%&!@*ion, sign a pe$#%&!@*ion: At iPe$#%&!@*ions, your voice counts.
I was concerned when the People of America had to stand up and prove to the Republican GOP, instruct the Republican GOP, to put an end to this lawlessness of m$#%&!@*ive numbers of Democratic voter fraud was on the rise.
Oboma, has blatantly been caught using government agencies for his own political gain; EPA, IRS and the most visible Eric Holder and the new DOJ, to extend guns to the Mexican cartel “Fast & Furious” now we’re finding out through Hillarie’s private emails; not only is she responsible for the death of the Bengazi U.S. Amb$#%&!@*ador; publishing his itinerary, in the open. The State Department is guilty of gun running out of the Amb$#%&!@*adors home, is that is the Amb$#%&!@*ador’s job description?
America has seen a record number of crimes organized by the black clergy, and our government does nothing! Black groups like: Black Panthers, LA 100, and Black lives Matter openly advocate acts of treason against our public representatives and servants, and our government does noting!
The leaders of the Senate and Congress should be on vacation, the should be facing charges of with malice and intent for failing to preserve the Cons$#%&!@*ution. The respective representatives should be charged for failing to serve and protect our Republic of United States of America it’s people of goodwill.
“A government that seeks to control not only all political and economic matters of your life, as well as, your at$#%&!@*udes, your values and beliefs, is a real danger to the people, and their liberties.”
This past week, 200 Admirals and Generals voted no confidence on this so called Commander and Chief, who is acting under gross negligence of his duties.
Three weeks prior to that, three congressman and two generals demand Oboma be relieved of his duties as President and tried for treason!
America needs to purge these liberal s$#%&!@*s, who have taken over our government, pushing their own personal agendas, and are in violation of treason.
Put and end to this chaos, put and end to the persecution of our police offices, restore order in our communities, restore our rights!
This was Thomas Jefferson’s quote two hundred years ago when America was battling a tyrant, British Rule!
“That to secure these rights, Governments are ins$#%&!@*uted amount men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to ins$#%&!@*ute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing it powers in such formats, to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
Create a pe$#%&!@*ion, sign a pe$#%&!@*ion: At iPe$#%&!@*ions, your voice counts.
Kick the UN out of America
Disarm you drug cartels in Mexico then give me a call
Obama is Muslim Brotherhood, READ proof, http://theamericanreport.org/the-betrayal-papers/
Our Cons$#%&!@*ution over-rides any UN “agreement”.
no treaty is leagle that goes against the cons$#%&!@*ution of the united states nothing tops the us cons$#%&!@*ution not where other countrys or laws are consearned Try it
Obama is a hater of America and needs to be impeached right now. WHERE ARE YOU CONGRESS ??????
The U.N. Needs to stay the hell out of my life