A summit combining two of Obama’s favorite themes is coming to Mexico City: Global Control via the U.N and a universal control on guns. Obama’s sent down his representatives to ensure he does his part to forward the globalist agenda.
Certainly all drug cartels in Mexico are frightened …not.
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Kerry signed the UN gun treaty, even after the US Senate say NO! Giving them the right to control our small firearms……………….How do you think that will work out?
No, to global control no to new world order .Period oosh.
Screw the UN
Ban the UN from the United States close down the facility no more US dollars to be give to our enemy’s Pope you can go back home now we won’t be needing you. Our Cons$#%&!@*ution and Declaration Of Independence needs no revision.
The Obama administration desperately wants gun control, The UN has nothing to mdo with our nations operation oor laws, what ever these bozos signed has no validity but we know why they want gun control it worked so well for others
Get the US out of the UN!! Bunch of liberal thugs!!
I am a American citizen, the U.N. Can kiss my a s s, I will not obey anything the U.N. Puts out.
let no body invove me in to these one world power.i can never share my with any body.
He is out to destroy this country because he hates us.