More than 40,000 illegal alien criminals from 79 different countries are housed in federal prisons – costing taxpayers millions every year.
The International Prison Transfer program should help to alleviate the problem as it permits willing criminals to transfer back to their country’s prison system. That could be at least a partial solution, but the problem is that many countries simply refused to accept the transfers – and there are no enforcement measures within the treaty.
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Put a parachute on them and drop them out of a plane ✈️
Even Mexico doesn’t like it when the sewage backs up. Lmao
And tell them if they come back they will be shot on sight. If we’re had the wall they couldn’t come back.
we should just invade mexico…..take about 100 miles into their countey build the wall there……throw the prisoners off the wall intro taco land…
we should figure every illegal in usa and charge mexico half a million per….take it out of their trade advantage of whatever …block thier ports….
Dump them in the Pacific.
No parachutes is the better answer.
Screw Mexico, drop them out of a helicopter into Mexico
well then,lets hang them.