More than 40,000 illegal alien criminals from 79 different countries are housed in federal prisons – costing taxpayers millions every year.
The International Prison Transfer program should help to alleviate the problem as it permits willing criminals to transfer back to their country’s prison system. That could be at least a partial solution, but the problem is that many countries simply refused to accept the transfers – and there are no enforcement measures within the treaty.
See Page 2:
O.k.. ..just wait, this might, be a lie…there’s no way, they can refused….but if do, .. do they really want to risks it,, the chances, .. that the borders between United States and Mexico,… may discontinue because of a little thing like this, . they cross over illegally, they’re not legally belong here,.. so they need to leave and be return
they should have to take them back or pay the money to keep them locked up
Parachute optional
No problem, just throw their$#%&!@*s over the border and threaten to shoot them if they try and come back over on our side. This requires that the threat be followed through with if they don’t believe us.
Parachutes???? Air drop them anywhere south of Mexican border. Or for giggles, drop them in Iran or Afghanistan. See if the cartels are talking.
toss them over the wall
Air drop them in the desert.
Stop all aid now they are not our problem
Nothing in nothing out
Throw across border shoot if they try to come back