More than 40,000 illegal alien criminals from 79 different countries are housed in federal prisons – costing taxpayers millions every year.
The International Prison Transfer program should help to alleviate the problem as it permits willing criminals to transfer back to their country’s prison system. That could be at least a partial solution, but the problem is that many countries simply refused to accept the transfers – and there are no enforcement measures within the treaty.
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Put them in Gitmo.
Mexico refuses dump them anyway, far from the border.
Put them on a plane with parachutes on them and drop them over Mexico. Case closed.
Drop them off on shore in Cancun.
Tough – put them on the Mexico side of the wall and let the chips fall where they may. They got in HERE illegally – they can get back into their own country Illegally if need be!
They would be put across the same border they violated!!!!!
Don’t do business with them till they get their heads out of there butts
You mean Mexico doesn’t want it’s best and brightest citizens back? I wonder why. Are they afraid they might rape, kill and deal drugs?
Don’t ask them, just do like they did and just dump them!!!
One parachute person plane load.