More than 40,000 illegal alien criminals from 79 different countries are housed in federal prisons – costing taxpayers millions every year.
The International Prison Transfer program should help to alleviate the problem as it permits willing criminals to transfer back to their country’s prison system. That could be at least a partial solution, but the problem is that many countries simply refused to accept the transfers – and there are no enforcement measures within the treaty.
See Page 2:
They must go back. Mexico cannot refuse them. Is there no international law about this?
When we captured Enemy prisoner in Vietnam and held them until choppers came for them–we were told later some were pushed out over the rice paddies by the Vietnamese on the choppers.l’m sorry for beating around the bush but the Mexican Criminals should be done the same way.I’m not saying it was right for them to do a VietCong Soldier that way because they were told to fight us.
It is truly way past time to deal with Mexico’s duplicity! We don’t owe them a damn thing!
Feed them to the fish
Mexico doesn’t want the burden, Mexico wants our money but will not take their people what a bunch of c**p!
Gios open for business
Obama already sent back 3 1/2 million in eight years
9mm $0.22 each
Throw um out of the plane .be raining scumbags
STOP any and ALL aid