More than 40,000 illegal alien criminals from 79 different countries are housed in federal prisons – costing taxpayers millions every year.
The International Prison Transfer program should help to alleviate the problem as it permits willing criminals to transfer back to their country’s prison system. That could be at least a partial solution, but the problem is that many countries simply refused to accept the transfers – and there are no enforcement measures within the treaty.
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Might I suggest a Trebuchet . >:-D
F**k em! Feed em to a wood chipper!
I read through the comments and don’t think this will offend or trigger anybody…how about letting Planned Parenthood take care of them? They’re experienced at taking care of the unwanted, and using extreme methods.
Line them up against the wall and start shooting!
If they won’t take them. Take them to the gulf and drop them off.
Shot them they are no good for his country dam sure not good for ours just kill them
stop everthing at the border let nothing thru either way stop all wire transfers won’t take long to change their m,ind
They can send them to Africa.
Send them
Back anyway