The latest uproar in Europe over the departure of Britain from the European Union, or Brexit, should be a huge warning to one-world-government supporters that most people prefer local control and are suspicious of wealthy elites who want to dissolve national borders, implement open immigration policies, and to integrate economies and cultures. The ones who benefit, of course, are big banks, but industry, and big politicians who see a chance to become “king of the world” or some other sort of rubbish.
Consolidating wealth and power into too few hands is always detrimental to ordinary citizens, and so the government elites can hardly wait to undertake that plan. Brexit, rather than putting the politicians on notice and letting them know what the people desire, simply inspired the leaders to quicken the pace towards unification.
North American unification plan, page 2:
Don’t think this is in US’s best interests
Mex Pres is a LOSER INSANE POS !!
US needs to empty our prisons and send them all our criminals– “south of the Border” to help make Mexico great again!
But they have fences and armed guards on their side
killary, obama & commie dems wont close the borders because they want to take over and control ALL of N America just like the European Union. The British people got smart and voted to get OUT. They’re tired of other countries making laws they have to live by. THEY FINALLY GOT THEIR COUNTRY BACK!!!
We already have laws on the books to build a fence along our southern border, and to deport all illegal aliens. We are going to make those stronger, and I hope close our border to all immigrants until we pay off our debts, and clean out our country. If we can get an honest conservative law abiding man like Ted Cruz elected, then all of those laws will be enforced. A nation without secure borders is not a nation, and we are one of a kind.
This man has a serious mental problem!
They will suck any government
F**K YOU,$#%&!@*!!