Mexico is apparently still reeling from Donald Trump’s win.
For months, Mexican officials claimed that they would not allow Donald Trump to dictate policy in their country. They said that they would not go back to the table to renegotiate NAFTA, would not change their immigration policies, and would definitely never pay for Trump’s wall.
And besides, they said he was never going to win, anyway.
But he did. And now they seem to be changing their tune. According to France24, Mexico is reportedly making preparations to better equip themselves and their people against a Trump presidency. Naturally, this includes protecting the millions of illegal immigrants that they have sent over their northern border into the United States.
See what protective measures the Mexican government is implementing for Mexican illegal immigrants living in the United States on the next page:
They only need a 2 point plan.
1. Get your illegal asses back home or face USA extreme deportment.
2. Adios Amigo!
Interesting story. Glad to know someone’s at least trying to help these people who are going to get deported back to that country. Trump has been a real jerk to Mexico, but of course, he’s been a real jerk to many of our allies. While you might enjoy Trump’s attitude, the rest of the world doesn’t appreciate it so much.
Mexico has refused for years to care for its poor. Send them over the Border & let the Americans see to their welfare. Trump is not dictating Mexico’s policy. Trump is putting America First; caring for the people of the USA is what Trump swore to do by taking his Oath of Office. Keeping criminals and drug dealers out of the USA is part of that Oath to protect us. Stuff your 11 points.
Deport all illegal crimigrant terrorist invaders
We can’t seem to get them to pay for anything! They will NOT take them back…they don’t want them back…which is why they don’t want the wall!!
How about a number twelve ,, All Mexican. Citizens come on home. We miss you !!
Take your people back
He wants the money that flows into Mexico…plain and simple.
In 2016 from January to November over 24 billion dollars were sent to Mexico from their citizens living here. Mostly by money orders. That’s more than their oil revenues in the same time period. That’s over $24 billion spent in Mexico instead of here. That’s money that local, state, and federal taxes not collected from spending here. So aside from the welfare money being spent on non-citizens here, that’s money fueling their economy and not ours. Mexico’s most lucrative natural resource is it’s citizens coming across our border illegally. Of course the Mexican government will do whatever necessary to keep that cash cow going.
Screw mexico…