Mexico is apparently still reeling from Donald Trump’s win.
For months, Mexican officials claimed that they would not allow Donald Trump to dictate policy in their country. They said that they would not go back to the table to renegotiate NAFTA, would not change their immigration policies, and would definitely never pay for Trump’s wall.
And besides, they said he was never going to win, anyway.
But he did. And now they seem to be changing their tune. According to France24, Mexico is reportedly making preparations to better equip themselves and their people against a Trump presidency. Naturally, this includes protecting the millions of illegal immigrants that they have sent over their northern border into the United States.
See what protective measures the Mexican government is implementing for Mexican illegal immigrants living in the United States on the next page:
Better plan on feeding your people much wiser.
Corrupt government that does not provide anything so they run north to contaminate others
Sounds like he wants another Mexican/American war.
That’s simple the illegals know everything is free to them here!
Agree. Spending money on his poor people leaves less money for him and the other elites. I don’t blame them for wanting to escape but not to the USA. They should come legally.
They do not want They r racket on US. Stoped. They r illegals in here still feeding money back to Mexico . It’s been this way for ever. One of our dollars ten of there’s used to be more. Inflation all so hit They r profits out of corruption on us . They are still mailing it out wiring out. And every dollar that leaves here or abused inside on system and Citesen s own growing popularization costs us three dollars and now interest . Plus generations of freedoms stole.
It’s a 2 point plan, get arrested and vet deported. Simple plan 🙂
They should be preparing to take them back
When does Mexico make laws concerning the USA ? Good luck