Mexico is apparently still reeling from Donald Trump’s win.
For months, Mexican officials claimed that they would not allow Donald Trump to dictate policy in their country. They said that they would not go back to the table to renegotiate NAFTA, would not change their immigration policies, and would definitely never pay for Trump’s wall.
And besides, they said he was never going to win, anyway.
But he did. And now they seem to be changing their tune. According to France24, Mexico is reportedly making preparations to better equip themselves and their people against a Trump presidency. Naturally, this includes protecting the millions of illegal immigrants that they have sent over their northern border into the United States.
See what protective measures the Mexican government is implementing for Mexican illegal immigrants living in the United States on the next page:
We launch the wall, clean up the cartels and we ll
We should close the border to all Mexican commerce and see if they want to support illegals.
Close the Embassy’s and boot out the ambassadors.
This ant mexico
this idiot president of mexico could have learned alot from trump and done alot of good for his people so they wouldnt be running to our country
All I have to say if your in the United States illegally your already a criminal and if your illegal and have children in the US their illegal too even though the children was born in the U S their still illegal and must go back until you can come back to the US legally other than that your breaking the law
Their plan is to provide advice via consulats and toll free phone #s. Nothing about helping them stay in the usa.
12) learn English. 13) stop flying the Mexican flag in the US
Are you going to shield me when I come down to Mexico illegally?