Mexico is apparently still reeling from Donald Trump’s win.
For months, Mexican officials claimed that they would not allow Donald Trump to dictate policy in their country. They said that they would not go back to the table to renegotiate NAFTA, would not change their immigration policies, and would definitely never pay for Trump’s wall.
And besides, they said he was never going to win, anyway.
But he did. And now they seem to be changing their tune. According to France24, Mexico is reportedly making preparations to better equip themselves and their people against a Trump presidency. Naturally, this includes protecting the millions of illegal immigrants that they have sent over their northern border into the United States.
See what protective measures the Mexican government is implementing for Mexican illegal immigrants living in the United States on the next page:
The best thing Mexico can do for Mexicans is to fix Mexico! For that to happen, they need someone with the hutzpah to stand up to the Cartels and bring law and order to the country. Mexico has great resources. They could be a great nation.
Got to protect the US dollars flowing in
Of course. They don’t want them back. They want us to support them while they don’t work and that at the expense of my family.
America is a Free Country We don’t want any immigrants telling America what we should do! Or have any Country Tell America What we should do! All immigrants should be Deported immediately if you want this sharia law in your Country to take your country over Then have at it! America is keeping their Freedom and Christianity!
What’s the matter Mexico? I guess you relly don’t want your citizens back. Wonder why that could be?
Why would you shied criminals who broke the laws of America when coming here illegal…shield them from their own coutry that may be better…fix your coutry so your people will stay in Mexico!!!
You aren’t shielding$#%&!@*in our country. I’ve already called 4 jails in new Mexico and I offered to take my dump truck down and haul the illegals back to the border for them. No charge. The more you push in the more we’ll haul out.
He doesn’t walk people stay in Mexico then he would have to provide goods and services to them any can’t steal their legacy and their money Mexico was always had dishonest president some assorted rulers
why dont ya try this ya baffoon make mexico great maybeee they would stay in mexico
He doesn.t want them back either.