Mexico is apparently still reeling from Donald Trump’s win.
For months, Mexican officials claimed that they would not allow Donald Trump to dictate policy in their country. They said that they would not go back to the table to renegotiate NAFTA, would not change their immigration policies, and would definitely never pay for Trump’s wall.
And besides, they said he was never going to win, anyway.
But he did. And now they seem to be changing their tune. According to France24, Mexico is reportedly making preparations to better equip themselves and their people against a Trump presidency. Naturally, this includes protecting the millions of illegal immigrants that they have sent over their northern border into the United States.
See what protective measures the Mexican government is implementing for Mexican illegal immigrants living in the United States on the next page:
The process to immigrate isn’t very expensive it is mostly time consuming and we have quotas; however, making it easier would truly flood the country because there are literally millions already lined up at our embassies around the world. As an aside work permits are not hard to get either, but too many times employers here don’t want to apply for lots of reasons: easier to hire someone as needed at the corner, dn’t have to pay taxes, more control, they are family members, making money by skimming off their paychecks etc.
Just throw them all out & be done with it all
Take your people back and shut up. They are your citizens.
You have no authority, you don’t dictate our laws. Do you’re job and help the people of mexico
Why’s mexico can be #1?? They have all the resources like both oceans and seating on gold stone
People cross the border because it’s enticing to come here. They get government aid to live here, food stamps, affordable housing, free healthcare, pay zero taxes. They utilize the system and escape the burden their own government and they have sewn. Of course they don’t mind people leaving. Its one burden for them. Though, they wouldn’t allow thousands of us citizens to spill into their country, care for them, feed them and house them all covered by their tax dollars.
They need to fix their country, where is their governments honor to their people. Mexicos process sounds like the moms here who have 10 kids, unmarried, intentionally without a job and expect everyone else to pay their way, take care of their kids, live off the backs of others because they made poor decisions and don’t want be responsible . It’s a broken system.
The Cartel runs Mexico. This guy is their tool.
Only the strongest and most ambitious Mexicans cross the border illegally. The Mexican government doesn’t want them back because they might challenge the corruption in Mexican government… and them sending money back to Mexico is the third largest source of income for Mexico…
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