While prominent Mexican leaders have gone out of their way to criticize, mock, and belittle Donald Trump, it looks as if he may be getting the last laugh.
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox may have said that Mexico will not build “that f***ing wall,” but it looks as if they’re at least willing to talk about it.
That’s because Mexico is launching a campaign that is trying to better present the Mexican people to their northern neighbors, which includes meeting the Democrat and Republican nominees for President.
Yes — the Mexican government wants to meet with Donald Trump.
Donald’s been criticized for his suggestion that Mexico will pay for his wall, but the claim just got a lot more credible with this development.
Mexico’s desire to meet Trump is made all the stranger considering their Secretary for Foreign Affairs’ comments on Trump. See who he compared Trump to on the next page. Spoiler warning, it’s not very nice:
If they want all the help we give them they have no choice but to capitulate
Owned by the drug cartels…just like the other Mexican presidents
When those who take advantage of our country are scared of someone who may be elected president I say they have just endorsed him.
Yeah !!! Right on!! They really love him!!
Mexico needs that wall.
When a democrat or republican gets elected, americans will be trying to get into Mexico.
Mexico president dgaf about his people lol fuhen chump is tobusy collecting his drug $
Why is it that every election cycle, whether presidential or not, does almost all republican contender get compared to$#%&!@* George bush is$#%&!@* mitt Romney is$#%&!@* ted Cruz is$#%&!@* I’m am frickin tired of the left always calling conservative minded people$#%&!@* I think it is proven throughout history, liberals are the most$#%&!@*like. They keep the poor,, poor by giving them money rather than opportunity, they don’t help those like me who are a little above the poverty line, who have an accident and lose 65% of their income for months. No government “entitlement program” helps those who only need temporary help so they don’t get behind or go bankrupt. Nope you have to be able to prove you have been down and out for a long time before you qualify for any assistance. Then once you do get on them, you become a slave to those programs, keeping you at the same level for the rest of your life. Go trump, build the wall, make trade fair for america again, keep Americans safe.
You must be a libtard Ernesto Gonzalez, only people like you compare every republican to$#%&!@* Go read a book and see what$#%&!@*was really about then try to make the comparison. Sorry it doesn’t fit for anyone in the USA. Not even killory, as much as I despise that lieing piece of c**p. And if you want to condemn trump for not putting his hand on his heart, why don’t you condemn Obama for not even having the flag behind him in his early speeches, or the fact that he sent a bust of Churchill back to the queen on his first day in office. Just FYI, that bust has been on the presidents desk since the end of WWII. The list is way longer than anything you have on trump.
Trump will fight for Americans. That is why is he winning -Huge. Trump Train!
I believe Trump. I don’t believe politicians and the media.