Mexico can hardly handle their own territory and corrupt government – one can bribe their way into anything they want. So when prominent Mexican officials start calling on their president to begin taking in thousands upon thousands of refugees, one can only think it will be a matter of time until they make their way across the porous southern border to live off the US welfare state.
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Oh good ! Please don’t come in United States ! Please stay in Mexico !
It’s perfect for them. They get to look like a great humanitarian country and not have to deal with any of the problems the “refugees” will bring with them. Mexico know they’ll all head north to the U.S. border and they can walk right in.
….and right over our opened border into Texas.
You wonder why we’re getting twitchy down here?
They’ll be in Texas by next year.
the end is nigh
Think about it……..20 things that psychopath Muslims do:
1] Kill any one who insults Islam or Moham-mad. (Koran.33;57-61).
2) Kill all Muslims who leave Islam. (Koran.2;217/4;89/Bukhari.9;84-57).
3) Koran can not be doubted. (Koran.2;1).
4) Islam is the only acceptable religion. (Koran.3;85).
5) Muslims must fight (jihad) to non-Muslims, even if they don’t want to. (Koran.2;216).
6) We the non-Muslims are pigs and apes. (Koran. 2;62-65/Koran.5;59-60/Koran.7;166).
7) We the non-Muslims cannot be friends with Muslims. (Koran.5;51).
8) We the non-Muslims sworn enemies of Muslims and Islam. (Koran.4;101).
9) We the non-Muslims can be raped as sex slave. (Koran.4;3 & 24/5;89/23;5/33;50/58;3/70;30).
10) We the non-Muslims the vilest of creatures deserving no mercy. (Koran.98;6).
11) Muslim must terrorized us (non-Muslims). (Koran.8;12 &59-60/ Bukhari.4;52;220).
12) Muslims must strike terror into non-Muslims hearts. (Koran.8;60).
13) Muslims must lie to us (non-Muslims) to strengthen and spread Islam. (Koran.3;28?16;106).
14) Muslims are allowed to behead us (non_Muslims) (Koran.47;4).
15) Muslims are guaranteed to go to heaven if they kill us (non-Muslims). (Koran.9;111).
16) Marrying and divorcing pre-pubescent children is OK. (Koran.65;4).
17) Wife beating is OK. (Koran.4;34).
18) Raping wives is OK. (Koran.2;223).
19) Proving rape requires 4 (four) male Muslim witnesses. (Koran.24;13).
20) Muslims are allowed to crucify and amputate us (non-Muslims). Koran.8;12/47;4
Lastly, Muslim extremists want to murder all of us; Muslim moderates want Muslim extremists to murder all of us. Peaceful Muslims agree with the moderate ones; but, they just don’t want to know about it…
And all of them are nuts
Now more illegals ISIS coming from Mexico.Thanks to Obama
Can anyone say future Democrats