Mexican Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu is calling on America to make immigration easier on Mexican immigrants.
Mexican Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu said in a Monday speech, “We need to embrace immigration as an opportunity, we have to change our mindset and adapt to current needs that are anything but static.” Illegal immigration is definitely an opportunity for the invaders to steal a piece of the American dream and one in which the Mexican government is aggressively working to change the American mindset to one in which we accept that it is our responsibility to allow ourselves to be invaded. That’s what good, obedient and enlightened “global citizens” do. It’s so intolerant to defend one’s sovereignty and not very sensitive to the feelings of the invaders.
“Today it is even more critical, “she says, “To unmask the stereotypes of international migrants [border crashing illegal alien squatters] and design a solution tailored to each context, prioritizing the well-being of each person who migrates and making sure their fundamental rights are fully respected. Mexico is embracing this redrawn landscape as a country of origin, destination, return and transit of migrants; we have been forced to come up with a wide, deep and innovative tool box of migration policies.”
Source: Constitution Rising
Mrs. Massieu, or at least her speech writers, seem to think that America is more prosperous than it really is. After almost 8 years of staggering mismanagement under Obama’s presidency, it’s amazing that the country hasn’t collapsed in on itself. If Mexico wants to see a better life for the citizens who want to leave, they should look to the organization of their own country.
We don’t need more mexico people they bring nothing to the table I am six and tired of my taxes going up to support these low lifes
It’s not about race. Quit the race thing. It is about the rule of law. We need laws.
And you must clean up your sorry$#%&!@*excuse for a country so people might want to stay their!!
Those DOCA illegals we discover that 76% are on welfare, 21% have finished high school, the average age of that group is 26 years, we also discover that the illegals are 7% of the American population yet they commit 22% of all murders,18% of all fraud, 33% of all money laundering, 29% of all drug trafficking, 72% of all drug possession. It also cost the American tax payers $116 billion dollars per/year or $8,075 per illegal to keep those people living the good life. Don’t believe the propaganda from the left of how wonderful some of the folks are.
America has always enbraced immigrants (legal ones)
Screw u Mexico does the same thing
Why doesn’t mexico do something good for their people so they will want to stay in Mexico. It’s appalling that you actually want people to leave. Your concern is so f**e!!!