Mexican Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu said in a speech on Monday that America needs to bring down the wall of racism and fear that has made immigration, legal and otherwise, a difficult prospect for incoming Mexican migrants.
Her calls for a more tolerant and accepting American immigration policy fall flat against the reality that America already has porous borders. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, of illegal immigrants cross into America every year. Barack Obama extended amnesty for millions of them last year, and the Democratic presidential candidates have made promises or hints of promises at reforming the naturalization process to make the path to citizenship easier on legal immigrants.
Mrs. Massieu seems to be making empty calls for reform from a United States so far past the point of no return on illegal immigration that the raising the subject is considered political suicide for anyone seeking to make the process any easier than it already is.
Read more about Mrs. Massieu’s speech on page 2.
We don’t need more mexico people they bring nothing to the table I am six and tired of my taxes going up to support these low lifes
It’s not about race. Quit the race thing. It is about the rule of law. We need laws.
And you must clean up your sorry$#%&!@*excuse for a country so people might want to stay their!!
Those DOCA illegals we discover that 76% are on welfare, 21% have finished high school, the average age of that group is 26 years, we also discover that the illegals are 7% of the American population yet they commit 22% of all murders,18% of all fraud, 33% of all money laundering, 29% of all drug trafficking, 72% of all drug possession. It also cost the American tax payers $116 billion dollars per/year or $8,075 per illegal to keep those people living the good life. Don’t believe the propaganda from the left of how wonderful some of the folks are.
America has always enbraced immigrants (legal ones)
Screw u Mexico does the same thing
Why doesn’t mexico do something good for their people so they will want to stay in Mexico. It’s appalling that you actually want people to leave. Your concern is so f**e!!!