Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto recently called the United States “The Other Mexico.” The US currently has 11 million Mexican immigrants.
He called on other states to “evolve” like California so the US can become more like his country.
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Never ever
Worry about your own country
That’s why we are putting up a wall and sending so home
Centuries of graft, bribe taking, corruption and drug transit. Wonderful country with a special people who have little chance of advancement in their home country.
No we are not we don’t have a wall on our southern border like Mexico to keep illegals out.
after 911 they said they didn’t have to bomb anything in America all they had to do was send people to us and take over America, this is what has happened, we need the wall we need to deport all of the illegals
You Sir, are ignorant. We didn’t want Mexico in 1848. So keep chirping and we can always change our minds about that.
And Mexico is the other California.
take care of your mess of the country
Do we need to do the 1848 thing…AGAIN????