Although they were soundly trounced during the election, Donald Trump’s enemies have wasted no time making outrageous demands of the newly-installed president.
When Trump initially announced his candidacy, people laughed at the idea that the real estate tycoon and reality TV show host could possibly have a chance at the White House. When it became clear that he was not only serious but actually had a chance of winning, his opponents went into overdrive and attempted to delegitimize every single thing he said or did. This was especially true in the matter of immigration, in which Trump proposed a crackdown on illegal aliens even as critics insisted against all evidence that he wanted to deport all Mexicans from the US.
It was a narrative that spread so far and wide that even prominent politicians from our southern neighbor have bought it hook and line sinker.
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First he needs to respect his own!
Mexico is getting what is long overdue. Borders up on one side of your country but won’t allow it with the US side?? What the hell is with that? Oh yeah, so your drug economy can sell to us and your criminals can come over and your illegal immigrants can come over and take our benefits? America, wake the hell up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Trump!
That is fine. The he should respect ours.
You didn’t answer my question. Do you think it’s ok for someone to come to this country and overstay their visas? They came in legally but broke the law by staying. That makes them illegal immigrants. So the wall is not going to stop them from doing that. I don’t have anything about make the USA great again. I think it is already great. I get offended when Mexican are called rapist, drug dealer etc. and we are called criminals. Criminals come from all different nationalities. Just take a look at all the shootings in Chicago. Are there any illegal immigrants involded? All I’m saying stop blaming Mexicans. “As far ad me benefitted from the border laws to complain about it now”: 1st all I’m not complaining. 2nd I’m not the only one who benefitted, your ancestors benefited as well. My ancestors were here way before yours come to this country. Love friend, peace and love.
Neo conservatives polices have failed they have to blame someone just as they did back in 1929 when they blamed Mexicans. This time will be different my White Brothers and Sisters.. Guaranteed
Every White America here is an Illegal Resident So lets start there. Ready for the rise of Emiliano and Poncho…Be prepared especially if you live in the
Blanca It does not make them illegal invaders. But yes IMO they need to leave. We have LEGAL American US citizens who are hurting and we need to take care of our own and make other countries take care of their oiwn. The president of Mexico shoyuld CARE about making Mexico a place poor people do not feel the need to leave. No one ever said all Mexicans were raosts and drug dealers, but the wealthy Mexicans are not the ones who illegally invade the US. You sound as though your heart is with Mexico rather than the US and to me that is offensive. None of my ancestors made damn good money working as a Border Patrol Agent. And none invaded any country illegally. Tere were no borders back then. Mexicans need to STOP invading ILLEGALLY. Border Patril Union supports the wall, but they are about America first. I can guarantee you that is 10+ million AMERICANS invade Mexico and nee citizens there to provide them with housing heathcare foood and jobs that Mexican citizens will object just as much as Americans do now. We need to agree we disagree.
Trump said that Mexico sends drug dealers, rapist etc. All I to say is that not every illegal immigrant is Mexican. There are illegal immigrants from all over the world.
Jesus Gonzalez every country, including Mexico is responsible for forcefully taking their country from others. How far back do we go to find true owners of any land? We can’t rewrite history and should not. We should protect what each country has fought and died to preserve not give their country to people who have long passed. Only extremist liberals who will somehow benefit by stroking the flames want to open all countries borders and destroy each countries sovereignty, including mexicos who put people in prison for illegally entering their country. Let’s stop the bleeding heart BS!!