Donald Trump may be winning among Republican Hispanic voters — even in the face of Hispanic opponent Ted Cruz — but that doesn’t mean he’s in the clear among Mexican voters.
Protesters raised a Mexican flag in celebration after Donald Trump’s planned rally in Chicago on Friday night was canceled, according to news reports.
The Wall Street Journal reported:
“Cheers went up among many protesters when the announcement came, but a chaotic scene soon emerged with protesters and Trump supporters scuffling on the arena floor.
Police rushed into the fray to try to restore order.
One person raised a Mexican flag amid chants of “We stopped Trump!”
It’s hard to imagine hoisting a foreign flag is an effective strategy of protest in American politics, but it just goes to show to whom these protestors pledge their allegiance, and it’s not to the United States.
Source: Brietbart
This is what it looks like when foreigners invade your nation and start to replace your government with their own government.
Take those Mexican flags elsewhere