You knew this, but did you know the extent? Government officials continue to claim that the border is “secure”. Yet, a recently unclassified intelligence report by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration appears to show the bad guys commandeering our borders. Learn the true extent of this story on the next page.
Deport all illegals, or shoot them. They are all criminals.
Many countries have used drugs to make their citizens conform to their nonsense. I drink Michelob ultra lime cactus, guess what, i will not comform, you failed again.
Sell licenses on drug dealers- no limit.
Betcha Trump knew This.
White Supremacist deal ‘guns for drugs’ with the cartels – they’ve got you covered… (the “real” Operation Fast & Furious).
Free bumbs.
Viva La Mexico.
Not a bit surprised. Probably all arranged by Obamas homeland security moguls!
Ban the !lobbyists withe the deep pockets for starters. Then maybe our congressmen would vef down to the business they edfe ele ted for
So legalize drugs