You knew this, but did you know the extent? Government officials continue to claim that the border is “secure”. Yet, a recently unclassified intelligence report by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration appears to show the bad guys commandeering our borders. Learn the true extent of this story on the next page.
When Obama imported millions of Mexicans and still I,porting he brought the cartel as well and they have a pretty good foothold in the area. Another one of his splendid acts to destroy America. GD
and the ignorance of the MOB letting these idiots get away with taking over their territories. The MOB bosses must be out of their mind seeing this happening. The Bosses of the past would be thoroughly upset and would be making sure the Drug Cartels would not see the light of day.
Death to our enemies
and have every Tom, $#%&!@* and Harry be on drugs like I saw them on drugs who didn’t want to take no for a answer and try to kill me. Are you insane?
Send in the marines, kill em all.
ganyan pala mexicans
You people blame all the illegals on Obozo! I will say Bush let them just walk in! Even after his boarder protection? As for cartels? You can go back to Reagan! Reagans war on drugs was a joke! All of a sudden crack showed up on every corner. Gangs were on every block! And how many people became felons? How much property was seized? How many prisons were built? How many people died? Get the picture?
Need to clean up- sad to see our good will bringing so much evil from south. To think it’s collectively our fault buying cocaine or imported drugs supporting them to take over here!
No Mercie for the Merciless.