3 people were shot in March by members of the Mexican army crossing our border without authorization. Not an uncommon occurrence, these Mexican soldiers not only shoot at American citizens but challenge federal agents.
Arizona citizens testify how these soldiers will come over in the middle of the night, dressed in black in full body armor carry fully automatic weapons threatening citizens.
The Mexican Army has been caught crossing our border 300 times in the past 18 years. That’s caught. This doesn’t include the hundreds, or maybe thousands of times we haven’t caught them.
Read more on page two to see the full story + WATCH VIDEO
Wtf, really.
Keep your guns handy
Come on people under the 2nd amendment the Mexicans can be classified as an invading army. You have the right to shoot them on sight.
Nope no wall invited them in so we can give them a hug and explain why are country is so mean. We are all so screwed. By the time these morons realize what is really happening it will be to late. Brush up on all that Allah$#%&!@*because the country is already The United State Of Islam
F**e news
Give Mexico a warning that anyone trying to cross the border to the US will no longer be deported they will be shot and they are shoot to kill orders.
That’s been happening for years
Are you seriously trying to feed the people a bunch of lies?
Those are not Mexican military soldiers, they’re cartel members… So get your facts straight and quite feeding lies and spreading F**E news!
Rosemary Raynes