3 people were shot in March by members of the Mexican army crossing our border without authorization. Not an uncommon occurrence, these Mexican soldiers not only shoot at American citizens but challenge federal agents.
Arizona citizens testify how these soldiers will come over in the middle of the night, dressed in black in full body armor carry fully automatic weapons threatening citizens.
The Mexican Army has been caught crossing our border 300 times in the past 18 years. That’s caught. This doesn’t include the hundreds, or maybe thousands of times we haven’t caught them.
Read more on page two to see the full story + WATCH VIDEO
well and eye for and eye shot those basters
More false flags being raised. They are determined we WILL have war on our soil, one way or another. Be watchful. Be ready. Be armed. Be fully loaded
wall and armed citizens
Ok ,now shoot when they step on u.s. soil. By law they are invading. Do this and the will stop. I promise
shot back
What the hell is this and why are you posting it? Idiot!
Just lies. Prove it. I’m no idiot. Maybe the idiots will believe it. Prove it.
So much for boarder towns trying for to be buddies. We need to protect ourselves, buy a gun people.
Holy F**k
Bring our soldiers home to fight for This country! No Sharia LAW ALLOWED IN USA Against Constitution and human decency. ALL officials sworn in using Koran Need REMOVED! No tax dollars for illegals and refugees! Time to take our country back. GO HOME! Only imegrants come in legally! Enforce laws on the books !!!!Common sense! Soldiers fighting in foreign countries while AMERICA is being given to Muslims!!!!