3 people were shot in March by members of the Mexican army crossing our border without authorization. Not an uncommon occurrence, these Mexican soldiers not only shoot at American citizens but challenge federal agents.
Arizona citizens testify how these soldiers will come over in the middle of the night, dressed in black in full body armor carry fully automatic weapons threatening citizens.
The Mexican Army has been caught crossing our border 300 times in the past 18 years. That’s caught. This doesn’t include the hundreds, or maybe thousands of times we haven’t caught them.
Read more on page two to see the full story + WATCH VIDEO
Fly a drone up their asses
No wonder Isis is wining , can’t even stop Mexicans
Shoot back damn
Start the wall now!
Not a good idea, wimpy is no longer in office.
Our military can’t be used on US soil it’s unconstutional
I can imagine invading Mexico and taking it over, creating the United States of Mexico. Like Russia and Crimea, China and the South China Sea. Remove and replace their government and the Cartels and put all their citizens to work building resorts up and down their cast coastline. Take advantage of all their cast natural resources and control the largest part of the western hemisphere. This way they wouldn’t need to come here to the USA and could live a much better life without disrupting ours. They evidently are a very poorly run country as it is, otherwise no one would be leaving
I would call that an act of war.
How about we shoot back and actually hit some of them in the head
Hey Rick McArthur:
Patriot ACT killed Pose Comitatus! Our military can be used against Americans, then surely against Mexican military on our side!