This man is a former Muslim who spent 20 years studying Islam. He has a Bachelors in Religious Studies and is currently obtaining a Masters in Terrorism Studies.
He tells Obama that if you want to “really want to fight terrorism you, then fight it at the root” …and that root is not ISIL…
This is informative, well-reasoned, and definitely worth the time watch…
Listen to this man , he knows what he is talking about. If only Obama would listen, but he will not . He knows that this man speaks the truth about the muslim religion.He was taught the same things…
Do you think for one minute that Obama is going to listen to this educated man when it concerns Muslims and Islam. In fact I doubt if he would even talk to the man. When you know everything about nothing you will not be listening or talking to a educated man. GD
He says it all.. We should want them here??? not in a pigs eye..
What we need in The United States of America is a bill called the Treason Act. It would be used to control our politicians and political parties. It would define what treason is and would have to be signed by the politicians before they could hold any position in office. It should have the definition of treason and also the penalties. The penalties should not be limited to death. It should include all the money that the treasonous person including their family and extended family members have acquired in their lifetime in this country or any other country, including any and all properties such as stocks, bonds, corporations and any financial holdings. The definition of treason should include noncompliance of the Constitution, anything that hurts any citizen who is unable to take care of themselves due to age or sickness. I’m sure that if this bill was created to control and make our politicians accountable we would have a better country. This is just an idea to help make this country better. I’m sure that there are many other American citizens who could add even more to this. It would be used to protect all American citizens from corrupt, immoral politicians who take money or gratuities from corporations, private individuals and or other governments. This should be a requirement for all elected politicians only. If you have any ideas or thoughts pass this on or add to it.
Freedom is not free, your words are the first shots fired to acquire your freedoms, not only for you but for your children and their future, If we going to fight a war let’s fight it like, it’s going to be the last one, if we are going to do something let’s do it right, with the best of our abilities, let’s do it right so we do not have to do it again,
Bill Sharpe Ellendale DE.
You MUST watch this! This is what Obama does NOT want you to know! This is our real war! He has produced a clear and stunning work to help stop ISIL, ISIS, and D.C.! Please watch!
I believe Treason is still “on the books” and that it should be re-activated! That would take care of the next election by eliminating most of Wash DC!
Obama does NOT want to stop ISIS or ISIL or any other Islamic Terror group because they are his Brothers and he is Muslim !
Listen up people,cause I know obama isn’t.
He better watch his back from now on.
What this guy doesn’t understand is that Obama doesn’t care because he is one of them.